Spring and summer are peak home buying seasons. Lots of people look for homes when the weather is nice. And many families try to move in the summer to avoid disrupting their children’s schooling.
But if you’re ready to sell now, there’s no need to wait until the weather heats up to list your home on the market. Keep these tips in mind, and winter can be a great time to sell your home.
Cold weather curb appeal

Right now, your yard might not be lush and green, but curb appeal is still important to buyers. Rake up any fallen leaves. Clean out the gutters. Be sure porches and outdoor space are clean and uncluttered, even if it’s clear those areas aren’t currently in use. Cold-hardy plants can brighten up your landscaping even in the gloom of winter. So can a tasteful holiday wreath on the door. No one expects your landscaping to be at its best in the ice and snow, of course. But a few thoughtful touches can go a long way towards making a good first impression. And remember: you can use photos in your home listing to show potential buyers how nice your home’s exterior looks in better weather.
Warm and cozy interiors

Making the inside of your house feel warm and inviting in the winter can go a long way towards helping buyers see your house as their potential future home. If you’re putting up a new coat of paint, choose warmer neutral colors over cooler tones. Adding some throw blankets to the sofa or stacking wood by a fireplace can make your home feel comfortable and cozy even when the skies outside are gray.
Buyers in winter are also likely to be paying more attention to how well a home regulates heat and energy. If you’re selling your home when the weather is chilly, buyers are going to notice drafty doors or poorly insulated windows. So be sure to fix any heating or insulation issues before showing your home.
Winter homebuyers are motivated

People looking for homes in winter are usually doing so because they can’t wait until the warmer months to start looking for a new place to live. Families with new babies need more room right away. Companies relocate workers in the first quarter of the year. Even so, there are generally fewer homes listed in the winter. That means your listing is likely to get more attention from potential buyers than it might if it was listed among the more numerous properties that are available in the warmer months.