Your Guide to Homebuying for Tipped Employees

Your Guide to Homebuying for Tipped Employees

Plenty of individuals depend on tips to support some or all of their earnings. This trend is especially prominent in the service and hospitality sectors, where millions of Americans work and rely on gratuities as a significant part of…

Credit Basics for First-Time Homebuyers

Credit Basics for First-Time Homebuyers

Before a lender offers you a loan or line of credit, that lender wants to know the answer to one very important question: If I loan money to this person, how likely is it that this person will pay…

Women at home with plants

Thinking About Refinancing Your Mortgage?

So you’re already a homeowner. But maybe you’ve looked around and noticed that mortgage interest rates seem to be lower than they were when you applied for your original mortgage a few years back. Or perhaps you’ve heard that…